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Ingredients for 4 portions

  • 25 g butter
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 375 g quark/curd (40% fat)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 ½ tsp paprika powder
  • salt and pepper (as you prefer it)
  • ¼ onion(s), to garnish if you want)


Mix the butter at room temperature with the cream cheese and quark, preferably using a hand mixer (but do not mix too vigorously or for too long - otherwise it becomes mushy).

Peel and finely chop the garlic and stir in. Finally, season with salt, pepper and paprika powder. The Spundekäs should have a light red colour.

Just before the Spundekäs is eaten, you can slice half an onion and sprinkle it over the bung cheese as a garnish.

The Spundekäs tastes best if it has been left to mature in the fridge overnight and is eaten with pretzels.

Enjoy =)

Some background

Spundekäs is a traditional dip for bread (preferably pretzels) in Rheinhessen and Rheinland-Pfalz (around Wiesbaden, Mainz). There was even a little peom written for it in the regional dialect:

Ein jeder wääs: Zum achte Gläsje | gehört dem Mensch e Spundekäsje. | Des reizt de Gaume, stärkt de Mage, | korz, mer kann schun widder ein vertrage | Un jetzt bringe se de neunte. | Um dich erum sinn nur noch Freunde. | Dein Kopp, dei Fieß wern immer schwerer, | es Hern un’s Glas wern immer leerer (Adolf Gottron)

English translation (DeepL): Everyone knows: To the eighth glass belongs to the man a Spundekäsje. It stimulates the palate and strengthens the stomach, Short, you can drink one again. And now they bring the ninth. There are only friends around you. Your head, your feet are getting heavier and heavier, your heart and glass are getting emptier and emptier

hessischer_spundekaes_paprika_cream_cheese.txt · Last modified: 14.11.2024 11:35 by slandzettel

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